Terminator Terminal For Mac

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Putty for mac

After a long-term successful compilation via 'fink install terminator' (MAC OSX 10.6.6), the Terminator window appears but the 'broadcast' function does not work reporting the following messages on the console from which I run 'terminator&':
Warning: python-keybinder is not installed. This means the hide_window shortcut will be unavailable
Unable to bind hide_window key, another instance/window has it.
ActivityWatch plugin unavailable: please install python-notify
PluginRegistry::load_plugins: Importing plugin activitywatch.py failed: 'module' object has no attribute 'AVAILABLE'

Default config file:


$ cat .config/terminator/config
focus = system
full_screen = <Ctrl><Shift>F11
font = Fixed 10
background_color = '#000000'
foreground_color = '#FFFFFF'
scrollback_lines = '500'
cursor_blink = True
custom_command = 'echo 'foo#bar'

Terminator free download - Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines Screensaver: CG Models, Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines Screensaver: Skynet Initialization, Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines. Terminator is an open source terminal app built with a focus on arranging terminals in grids. Its behaviour is mostly based on the GNOME Terminal with extra features for regular CLI users and sysadmins e.g. Simultaneous typing in arbitrary groups of terminals, tons of keyboard shortcuts, etc. And it is free to use. Mac OS X includes a great terminal editor, but among the handful of alternatives is one that easily rises above them all. ITerm2 is our pick for the best terminal emulator for Mac OS X thanks to.

-d output:

$ terminator -d
noclass::parse_options: OptionParse::parse_options: command line options: {'profile': None, 'dummy': None, 'execute': None, 'layout': 'default', 'fullscreen': None, 'geometry': None, 'debug': 1, 'debug_methods': None, 'maximise': None, 'debug_classes': None, 'version': None, 'working_directory': None, 'borderless': None, 'forcedtitle': None, 'command': None, 'hidden': None, 'role': None}
Factory::__init__: Borg::__init__: Preparing borg state for Factory
Terminator::__init__: Borg::__init__: Preparing borg state for Terminator
ConfigBase::load: ConfigBase::load: config already loaded
Config::set_profile: Config::set_profile: Changing profile to default
noclass::get_pid_cwd: Unable to determine a get_pid_cwd for OS: Darwin
Terminator::attempt_gnome_client: GNOME session support not available
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: handle_size found in globals: -1
noclass::<module>: Creating a terminal with layout: default
Terminator::create_layout: Creating a window
Factory::make: Factory::make: created a Window
Warning: python-keybinder is not installed. This means the hide_window shortcut will be unavailable
Terminator::register_window: Terminator::register_window: registering 32960344:<class 'terminatorlib.window.Window'>
ConfigBase::load: ConfigBase::load: config already loaded
Config::set_profile: Config::set_profile: Changing profile to default
Unable to bind hide_window key, another instance/window has it.
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: window_state found in globals: normal
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: window_state found in globals: normal
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: window_state found in globals: normal
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: borderless found in globals: False
Window::set_real_transparency: setting rgb colormap
Factory::make: Factory::make: created a Terminal
Terminator::register_terminal: Terminator::register_terminal: registering 33079504:<class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>
ConfigBase::load: ConfigBase::load: config already loaded
Config::set_profile: Config::set_profile: Changing profile to default
Terminal::__init__: composite_support: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: try_posix_regexp found in globals: True
Terminal::update_url_matches: Terminal::update_url_matches: Trying POSIX URL regexps
PluginRegistry::__init__: Borg::__init__: Preparing borg state for PluginRegistry
PluginRegistry::prepare_attributes: PluginRegistry::prepare_attributes: Plugin path: ['/sw/lib/python2.6/site-packages/terminatorlib/plugins', '/Users/carlo/.config/terminator/plugins']
ConfigBase::load: ConfigBase::load: config already loaded
Config::set_profile: Config::set_profile: Changing profile to default
PluginRegistry::load_plugins: PluginRegistry::load_plugins: Importing plugin activitywatch.py
ActivityWatch plugin unavailable: please install python-notify
PluginRegistry::load_plugins: Importing plugin activitywatch.py failed: 'module' object has no attribute 'AVAILABLE'
PluginRegistry::load_plugins: PluginRegistry::load_plugins: Importing plugin custom_commands.py
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: enabled_plugins found in globals: ['LaunchpadBugURLHandler', 'LaunchpadCodeURLHandler', 'APTURLHandler']
PluginRegistry::load_plugins: plugin CustomCommandsMenu not enabled, skipping
PluginRegistry::load_plugins: PluginRegistry::load_plugins: Importing plugin terminalshot.py
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: enabled_plugins found in globals: ['LaunchpadBugURLHandler', 'LaunchpadCodeURLHandler', 'APTURLHandler']
PluginRegistry::load_plugins: plugin TerminalShot not enabled, skipping
PluginRegistry::load_plugins: PluginRegistry::load_plugins: Importing plugin testplugin.py
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: enabled_plugins found in globals: ['LaunchpadBugURLHandler', 'LaunchpadCodeURLHandler', 'APTURLHandler']
PluginRegistry::load_plugins: plugin TestPlugin not enabled, skipping
PluginRegistry::load_plugins: PluginRegistry::load_plugins: Importing plugin url_handlers.py
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: enabled_plugins found in globals: ['LaunchpadBugURLHandler', 'LaunchpadCodeURLHandler', 'APTURLHandler']
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: enabled_plugins found in globals: ['LaunchpadBugURLHandler', 'LaunchpadCodeURLHandler', 'APTURLHandler']
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: enabled_plugins found in globals: ['LaunchpadBugURLHandler', 'LaunchpadCodeURLHandler', 'APTURLHandler']
PluginRegistry::get_plugins_by_capability: PluginRegistry::get_plugins_by_capability: searching 3 plugins for url_handler
Terminal::update_url_matches: Terminal::update_matches: refusing to add duplicate match launchpad_code
Terminal::update_url_matches: Terminal::update_matches: refusing to add duplicate match launchpad_bug
Terminal::update_url_matches: Terminal::update_matches: refusing to add duplicate match apturl
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: scrollbar_position found in profile default: right
ConfigBase::load: ConfigBase::load: config already loaded
Config::set_profile: Config::set_profile: Changing profile to default
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: copy_on_selection found in profile default: False
Signalman::new: creating new bucket for <type 'vte.Terminal'>
Signalman::new: connected <type 'vte.Terminal'>::realize to <bound method Terminal.reconfigure of <Terminal object at 0x1f8c0d0 (terminatorlib+terminal+Terminal at 0x2057810)>>
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: http_proxy found in profile default:
Signalman::new: creating new bucket for <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::group-all to <bound method Window.group_all of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::navigate to <bound method Window.navigate_terminal of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::tab-change to <bound method Window.tab_change of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::unzoom to <bound method Window.unzoom of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::title-change to <bound method WindowTitle.set_title of <terminatorlib.window.WindowTitle object at 0x1f787d0>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::group-tab to <bound method Window.group_tab of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::move-tab to <bound method Window.move_tab of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::ungroup-all to <bound method Window.ungroup_all of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::close-term to <bound method Window.closeterm of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::split-horiz to <bound method Window.split_horiz of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::tab-new to <bound method Window.tab_new of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::split-vert to <bound method Window.split_vert of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Signalman::new: connected <class 'terminatorlib.terminal.Terminal'>::ungroup-tab to <bound method Window.ungroup_tab of <Window object at 0x1f6ef58 (terminatorlib+window+Window at 0x921040)>>
Terminal::reconfigure: Terminal::reconfigure
Signalman::remove_signal: removing <type 'vte.Terminal'>::realize
Signalman::remove_signal: no more signals for widget
Signalman::remove_signal: <vte.Terminal object at 0x2948800 (VteTerminal at 0x838000)> is not registered
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: exit_action found in profile default: close
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: exit_action found in profile default: close
Signalman::new: creating new bucket for <type 'vte.Terminal'>
Signalman::new: connected <type 'vte.Terminal'>::child-exited to <function <lambda> at 0x2969930>
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: emulation found in profile default: xterm
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: encoding found in profile default: UTF-8
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: word_chars found in profile default: -A-Za-z0-9,./?%&#:_
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: mouse_autohide found in profile default: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: backspace_binding found in profile default: ascii-del
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: delete_binding found in profile default: escape-sequence
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: use_system_font found in profile default: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: allow_bold found in profile default: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: use_theme_colors found in profile default: False
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: foreground_color found in profile default: #FFFFFF
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: background_color found in profile default: #000000
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: palette found in profile default: #2e3436:#cc0000:#4e9a06:#c4a000:#3465a4:#75507b:#06989a:#d3d7cf:#555753:#ef2929:#8ae234:#fce94f:#729fcf:#ad7fa8:#34e2e2:#eeeeec
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: cursor_color found in profile default: #aaaaaa
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: cursor_color found in profile default: #aaaaaa
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: cursor_shape found in profile default: block
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: background_type found in profile default: solid
Terminal::reconfigure: background_type=solid
Terminal::reconfigure: setting background_saturation: 1
Terminal::reconfigure: setting opacity: 65535
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: background_type found in profile default: solid
Terminal::reconfigure: setting background_transparent=False
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: cursor_blink found in profile default: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: force_no_bell found in profile default: False
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: audible_bell found in profile default: False
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: visible_bell found in profile default: False
Signalman::remove_signal: beep not registered for <type 'vte.Terminal'>
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: urgent_bell found in profile default: False
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: icon_bell found in profile default: True
Signalman::new: connected <type 'vte.Terminal'>::beep to <bound method Terminal.on_beep of <Terminal object at 0x1f8c0d0 (terminatorlib+terminal+Terminal at 0x2057810)>>
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: scrollback_infinite found in profile default: False
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: scrollback_lines found in profile default: 500
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: scroll_on_keystroke found in profile default: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: scroll_on_output found in profile default: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: scrollbar_position found in profile default: right
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: update_records found in profile default: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: login_shell found in profile default: False
Terminal::spawn_child: still laying out, refusing to spawn a child
Window::create_layout: Making a child of type: Terminal
Terminal::create_layout: Setting layout
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: update_records found in profile default: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: login_shell found in profile default: False
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: use_custom_command found in profile default: False
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: login_shell found in profile default: False
Terminal::spawn_child: Forking shell: '/bin/bash' with args: ['/bin/bash']
Window::on_window_state_changed: Window::on_window_state_changed: fullscreen=False, maximised=False
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: focus found in globals: system
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: title_transmit_fg_color found in globals: #ffffff
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: title_transmit_bg_color found in globals: #c80003
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: title_transmit_fg_color found in globals: #ffffff
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: title_transmit_bg_color found in globals: #c80003
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: show_titlebar found in profile default: True
Titlebar::get_desired_visibility: configured visibility: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: show_titlebar found in profile default: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: show_titlebar found in profile default: True
Titlebar::get_desired_visibility: configured visibility: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: show_titlebar found in profile default: True
Titlebar::update_visibility: showing titlebar
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: title_inactive_fg_color found in globals: #000000
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: title_inactive_bg_color found in globals: #c0bebf
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: title_inactive_fg_color found in globals: #000000
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: title_inactive_bg_color found in globals: #c0bebf
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: show_titlebar found in profile default: True
Titlebar::get_desired_visibility: configured visibility: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: show_titlebar found in profile default: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: show_titlebar found in profile default: True
Titlebar::get_desired_visibility: configured visibility: True
ConfigBase::get_item: ConfigBase::get_item: show_titlebar found in profile default: True
Titlebar::update_visibility: showing titlebar

Developer(s)Apple Inc.
Operating systemmacOS
Platformx86-64, IA-32, PowerPC
TypeTerminal emulator

Terminator Linux Mac

Terminal (Terminal.app) is the terminal emulator included in the macOSoperating system by Apple.[1] Terminal originated in NeXTSTEP and OPENSTEP, the predecessor operating systems of macOS.[2]

Terminator terminal for mac catalina

As a terminal emulator, the application provides text-based access to the operating system, in contrast to the mostly graphical nature of the user experience of macOS, by providing a command-line interface to the operating system when used in conjunction with a Unix shell, such as zsh (the default shell in macOS Catalina[3]).[4] The user can choose other shells available with macOS, such as the KornShell, tcsh, and bash.[4][5]

Terminator Terminal Download Mac

The preferences dialog for Terminal.app in OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and later offers choices for values of the TERM environment variable. Available options are ansi, dtterm, nsterm, rxvt, vt52, vt100, vt102, xterm, xterm-16color and xterm-256color, which differ from the OS X 10.5 (Leopard) choices by dropping the xterm-color and adding xterm-16color and xterm-256color. These settings do not alter the operation of Terminal, and the xterm settings do not match the behavior of xterm.[6]


Terminal includes several features that specifically access macOS APIs and features. These include the ability to use the standard macOS Help search function to find manual pages and integration with Spotlight.[citation needed] Terminal was used by Apple as a showcase for macOS graphics APIs in early advertising of Mac OS X,[citation needed] offering a range of custom font and coloring options, including transparent backgrounds.

See also[edit]

  • iTerm2, GPL-licensed terminal emulator for macOS
  • Terminator, open-source terminal emulator programmed in Java


Terminator Terminal For Mac Catalina

  1. ^'What Is Mac OS X - All Applications and Utilities - Terminal'. Apple Inc. Archived from the original on May 10, 2013.
  2. ^Wünschiers, Röbbe (January 1, 2004). Computational Biology: Unix/Linux, data processing and programming : with 19 figures and 12 tables. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN9783540211426.
  3. ^'Use zsh as the default shell on your Mac'. Apple Support. Retrieved January 18, 2020.
  4. ^ abMcElhearn, Kirk (December 26, 2006). The Mac OS X Command Line: Unix Under the Hood. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN9780470113851.
  5. ^Kissell, Joe (January 1, 2009). Take Control of the Mac Command Line with Terminal. TidBITS Publishing, Inc. ISBN9781933671550.
  6. ^'nsterm - AppKit Terminal.app', terminfo.src, retrieved June 7, 2013

Terminator Terminal For Mac Os

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Terminator Terminal For Mac Pro

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